Portfolio / By Discipline/ Lighting
Note: This is just a sample of projects that I worked as a Lighting Artist on - to see more work, visit my <Projects> section of my web site

Technical Art Director (with a special focus on in-game lighting creation and tools)

Technical Art Director (with a special focus on in-game lighting creation and tools)

Pre-production lighting studies exploring various treatments and time of day

Pre-production lighting studies exploring various treatments and time of day

Sr. Lighting Artist

Sr. Lighting Artist

Sr. Lighting Artist

Sr. Lighting Artist

Sr. Lighting Artist

Sr. Lighting Artist

Sr. Lighting Artist

Sr. Lighting Artist

Sr. Lighting Artist

Sr. Lighting Artist

Sr. Lighting Artist

Sr. Lighting Artist

Sr. Lighting Artist

Sr. Lighting Artist

Sr. Lighting Artist

Sr. Lighting Artist

Sr. Lighting Artist

Sr. Lighting Artist

Sr. Lighting Artist

Sr. Lighting Artist

Sr Artist on this magazine cover - Lighting, shaders, art direction and more

Lead Lighting Artist

Lead Lighting Artist

Lighting and compositing for this 'Mood piece' in pre-production for Gladiator arena

an interior space that I created as a lighting study (Keyshot)

real-time scene lit and rendered in UE4

real-time scene lit and rendered in UE4

real-time scene lit and rendered in UE4

Re-Lighting study of a Marketplace sci-fi interior (and was lit/rendered in Unreal (UE4)

Re-Lighting study of a Marketplace sci-fi interior (and was lit/rendered in Unreal (UE4)

Re-Lighting study of a Marketplace sci-fi interior (and was lit/rendered in Unreal (UE4)

3D artwork - created using Maya, Mixer and rendered in Marmoset Toolbag

Sr Lighting Artist (and the only lighting artist at the company) - all in-game lighting using UE4

Sr Lighting Artist (and the only lighting artist at the company) - all in-game lighting using UE4

Sr Lighting Artist (and the only lighting artist at the company) - all in-game lighting using UE4

Sr Lighting Artist (and the only lighting artist at the company) - all in-game lighting using UE4